Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Krasarang Wilds Rare Champions

Hello to all, 3rd zone, I think you gonna like it. I've changed a bit style in posting this one, but I love it. Let's start again same pattern like last 2 thread s (for those who didnt read first 2 threads)
Each zone in Pandaria has a total of 8 rare champions, each one representing a different Pandarian race: 

  1. Pandaren
  2. Mantid
  3. Saurok
  4. Mogu Warrior
  5. Mogu Sorcerer
  6. Yaungol
  7. Jinyu
  8. Hozen.

... and each race has it's own set of unique abilities... 

Qu'nas can be found at the Krasari Ruins, east of Thunder Cleft...
He uses three different abilities, those are: Devastating ArcSummon Quilen and Titanic Strength. Devastating Arc is the ability to look out for here. It's a frontal attack that deals massive damage. Melee can simply run behind him and ranged shouldn't have much trouble moving out of the way. He periodically summons a Quilen add that does little damage. It can be cc'd or ignored.
He has a chance to drop Qu'nas' Apocryphal Legplates + other blues.

Arness can be found on the beach west of Anglers Wharf standing on a pile of gold.
His abilities are: Grappling HookVanishSmoked Blade and Vicious Rend. The most important of his abilities to watch out for is Smoked Blade. He will use this right after he breaks out of stealth. This ability can be avoided by either using an aoe ability while he's in stealth to break him out of it early, or by not letting him stealth in the first place. You will have a moment to hit him just before he disappears. If he does vanish entirely, get ready to use some defensive cool-downs.
Arness has a chance to drop Arness's Scaled Leggings + other blues.

He can be found in the Ruins of Dojan, south-west of Thunder Cleft.
Also he has a couple of abilities to be aware of. Those are Shadowbolt and Voidcloud. Shadowbolt deals a moderate amount of damage and can be interrupted. Voidcloud hurts, it appears as a dark purple area on the ground and is VERY easy to notice and move out of. 
Garn has a chance to drop Gaarn's Leggings of Infestation + other blues.

He can be found in the south of Nayeli Lagoon, on the island of Unga Ingoo, at the top of the hill on the boat platform
His abilities are: BananarangGoing Bananas and Toss Filth. Bananarang deals a hefty amount of damage, just move to the side to get out of it's path. Going Bananas is the ability he uses that can be the killer. He jumps around, and if he lands on you it'll knock out over half of your health in one shot. It's rather difficult to avoid this, be ready for some defensive cd's and/or heals.
Spriggin has a chance to drop Spriggin's Sproggin' Leggin' + other blues.

Ruun Ghostpaw can be found Inside Temple of the Red Crane, up the stairs on the second floor in the 
small alcove (clear the incarnations first as they slow and stun.
Same as other Pandaren her three abilities are Chi BurstHealing Mists and Spinning Crane Kick. The most important thing to know when taking him (and other Pandaren rares) down is to interrupt Healing Mists, and run away from Spinning Crane Kick. Ranged players should also stand within 15 yards of him to avoid his Chi Burst which deals some pretty massive damage.
He has a chance to drop Silent Leggings of the Ghostpaw + other blues.

He is sitting in a small boat just north of Crane Wing Refuge..
Go-Kan's abilities are: Bellowing RageRushing Charge and Yaungol Stomp. Yaungol stomp does some heavy damage, but the range is small - so it's easy to move away from. Bellowing rage you need to be aware of. He deals a lot more damage when this buff is up, combined with Rushing Charge the results can be devastating. When he uses Bellowing Rage, he will be slowed though - so it is possible to just run out of striking range until the buff wears off.
Go-Kan has a chance to drop Go-Kan's Golden Trousers + other blues.

Cournith Waterstrider can be found inside the big building in Fallsong Village.
He has three abilities, they are: Rain DanceTorrent and Water Bolt. The absolute most important thing you need to know when fighting him is to interrupt Torrent! If not interrupted, this spell will kill his main target. Rain dance hurts, but it is survivable. The rain droplets can be moved away from, this spell can also be interrupted (but I like to save my interrupts for Torrent because of cool-downs).
Cournith has a chance to drop Courinth Waterstrider's Silken Finery + other blues.

He's patrolling in The Forbidden Jungle, west of Sentinel Basecamp
He has three abilities to be aware of: Blade FlurryTornado and Windsong. Tornado and Blade Flurry are the abilities to watch out for. The tornado will move around and deal massive damage to anyone it strikes. Blade Flurry should be avoided at all costs, it's casted as a cone in front of him and will pretty much destroy any level 85 who stands in it.
Torik-Ethis has a chance to drop Torik-Ethis' Bloodied Legguards or Torik-Ethis' Gilded Legplates + other blues.

See you all in next zone 

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